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CHALLENGE: "La Piana" has a bad reputation, it is not safe and abandoned. So we wanted to create a new purpose for La Piana within its neighborhood. 

People should be attracted, interact with the space and people, use it as a common meeting space.


PROCESS: We passed through some phases during our design process:

     1. Inspiration: Focus on the design challenge

> Getting a deep knowledge of the challenge

     2. Ideation: Search opportunites for design

> Transforming the knowledge into concepts

     3. Implementation: Develop innovative solutions

> Developing the concept into projects


SOLUTION: Inverted bottle caps mounted on a cardboard panel. Players first chose a color or shape of bottles and then mount bottles one after another try make lines. The player who first connects predetermined number (3,4,5) of bottles wins. As a conclusion, Twist and Connect will liven up La Piana, raise awareness on recycling - reusing of objects, 

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